is it possible to locate a phone number with cmd?


What gave you the idea that you can try to do that even? It's almost as random as asking if you can power a car with a stick of gum and cat hair. I guess if you had a list of phone numbers in a file somewhere, you can use a cmd window and some commands to read a string out of that file.

You can even use a dos window to open a web browser and execute a search I think, I guess that may give you a phone number if it's listed. but all that's doing it opening another program to do the...

What gave you the idea that you can try to do that even? It's almost as random as asking if you can power a car with a stick of gum and cat hair. I guess if you had a list of phone numbers in a file somewhere, you can use a cmd window and some commands to read a string out of that file.

You can even use a dos window to open a web browser and execute a search I think, I guess that may give you a phone number if it's listed. but all that's doing it opening another program to do the work for you. There is no command line command to "find phone number" in a dos window.