Is there a better deal than the MSI GT683R for 1500~


May 9, 2011
Hello there,

In terms of all around performance and gaming for around $1500 is there a better laptop than the MSI GT683R?
Sorry Sean, I usually don't comment on posts that already have comments, that's why I didn't check yours...
Anyways, the laptop you found was pretty decent, but consider this from bestbuy, it has the same GPU, but it is bigger, and better overall...

If that doesn't float your boat, here is something else to consider:

Now that you've shown me those two asus models I feel like I am missing something. they are both significantly cheaper than the MSI model yet are running the same hardware with the exception of a 460m in the model listing on amazon.

Why would you list the one from amazon as the best value? It is $100 more expensive than the model from best buy while also running an older card, even if the performance difference between the 460 and 560 is very small.

The only major difference I now see with the MSI model is the fact that it has an extra 4 GB of ram, I personally feel 8GB will be plenty..

can you help me see what is justifying the price of the MSI model compared to the Asus?
I made a mistake with my favorite pick. I though it read 560m not 460, I apologize.

I wouldn't buy the MSI, I'm just saying, the Asus I listed off BestBuy is plainly better. You will never need 12 GB of RAM on a laptop, mayybe on a dekstop, but only because desktops are faster, and you'll be able to run more at one time.

4 GB is adequate, 6 GB is plenty, 8 GB is overkill, and 12 GB+ is just a waste of money.
It looks tempting doesn't it? Nice laptop too, but you are paying more for features you'll never use.
If you'll buy that MSI laptop, I'd challenge you to use ever single GB available. For me, I have programs like IE, Word, Speedfan... etc... running in the background while I game, I have 6GB of RAM, And I haven't ever made it to 5 GB of usage at some point while gaming, I'm able to monitor everything while I game because I have an external monitor that I use to run Task Manager on...

Please ignore my post about the amazon laptop that has the 460, I was mistaken.

If you prefer something smaller then the G74, then I may be able to find something, If you were just looking for the best deal overall... Then, go with what I recommended, you won't feel bad about not getting MSI, there are some games that have used more then 4 GB, but very rarely... and those are usually memory leak problems, not because the game is ultra high quality or anything...

Anyways, I hope I've helped you in some way or another. I wouldn't recommend you investing your money in the MSI unless you really wanted those 12 GB.

The MSI has some pretty nice features, like Raid, but the G74 is built for gaming. Choose your poison, but I think the G74 will be a better gaming machine, if you want to do a lot of rendering, then the MSI might be a bit better, because you have as much RAM as you will ever need for a long time.
I looked up the G74 and your right that is more in line with my purposes. however I'm seeing it listed at around 1750~ I'd prefer to stay closer to 1500~

Again your right about the MSI system as well chances are I won't use a majority of the extra features. I don't need 12GB of ram of 1TB of hard drive space but I would like to stick to a 560m unless the price really justified getting a 460m.

I don't have my heart set on a screen as long as its 15-17 but I would prefer to have a 1920x1080 resolution which the best buy system doesn't have. The last issue I would have with that system is addressed in the second question that was posed on the best buy site "Graphics Card Comparison" would I be getting the full value of the 560m out of that system?

If I could price the G74 around 1500 I would pick that up so is there perhaps a comparable system running a 560m out there? Would I be better off just ordering sager 8150?