iTunes Not Syncing To iPhone


Nov 7, 2015

I have just got a new iPhone 6s as my last one had to be replaced.
I made a backup before I had to erase my old one, which the backup has been saved on my computer.

When my phone is connected to my computer and iTunes is open and I attempt to backup, I click on, 'Restore Backup...' which opens a window called 'Restore From Backup'.

I select the only backup I have which is from my old 6S. It then says, 'Restoring iPhone From Backup...' a second later another mini window pops up and says 'iTunes could not restore the iPhone "phone" Because the backup session failed.'

'Back Up Now' also does not work, when I click it, nothing happens.

Syncing also does not work. If I try and sync music or anything else, I tick the sync music box at the top and then select 'Selected playlists' etc.
Once I have selected albums and playlists
I then click 'Apply' at the bottom right.
When I click 'Apply' the colored Audio bar in the 'GB Free' section goes for some reason, and I cannot press Sync because it is shaded out.

I have updated to the latest version of iTunes and iOS.

I have reinstalled iTunes, repaired iTunes and it's other apps and updated drivers for iTunes and it's other apps.

I have tried to backup the phone when first setting up as it is an option to backup and restore. That didn't work so I just set it up as a new phone.

I have turned off my phone, reset it.. all that stuff, my computer too, tried different Apple USB cables. I could not find anything on Google.

Would be great if someone could help. :)

Windows 7 64bit
iOS 10.2.1
iTunes 12.5.5


I have tried that too. :)

I have already seen that, tried it all. Still does not work.