I'm at 56 games today in hard mode so that's how long ago I discovered the game. I haven't missed one so far.
I start with a different word every time. The way I look at it is I play for fun and using the same word every time wouldn't be much fun. I go with inspiration. One of my best opening words ever was f l i c k. It probably violates every first guess rule but I got it in 2. To me, that's fun. So far, at least, having five more guesses has always been sufficient (with one or two close calls). Most of my first guesses are probably closer to the type you talked about but I mix it up.
I tried 78 and got it in 4. It definitely was unusual, though.
I tend to play quickly. The first guess and the second don't need much thinking about since there are so many possibilities. If you're lucky, by the third guess, things are coming into focus. If I can get it in 3, it doesn't take much time at all (< 1 min). But I have made that DOYEN kind of mistake, of too quickly picking a less common word, once or twice.