Solved! Keyboard dead after spill - how to use external USB keyboard

May 15, 2020
Hi Peeps,
I am new and an idiot (in many ways) so be gentle! Someone (no names) spilled white wine on my Macbook Pro keyboard and it now is dead. , though the computer does start up and go to password screen I cannot afford to repair it and am not tech savvy so thought about plugging in an external keyboard - got one - and course it does not work. I cannot get past the password entry screen because I cannot type anything in. Same story for the password recovery start up screen/option. Thus I cannot ask the Mac to recognise the external keyboard. Am i screwed here? Many thanks, yours, Andrew
It sounds like more than the internal keyboard was affected by the spilled wine. Assuming some of the wine penetrated the system, you may need to disassemble the MBP for a thorough cleaning (assuming nothing else is physically damaged).


It sounds like more than the internal keyboard was affected by the spilled wine. Assuming some of the wine penetrated the system, you may need to disassemble the MBP for a thorough cleaning (assuming nothing else is physically damaged).
May 24, 2020
If you cannot afford to get it fixed that's fine, I've been using my Macbook for years with a water damaged keyboard. You just need to make sure that the keyboard you choose is compatible with Mac and if you can't get passed the password screen. You need to make sure you get a USB keyboard. Don't try Bluetooth, you won't be able to connect until you login.
Most Logitech keyboard and mice work. I've been using the Logitech K470 keyboard and mouse combo with no issues, it's only about $60.


Jan 7, 2020
First of all, make sure the keyboard is completely dry out and then use a device and power it on. You should turn it off, remove the power cord, leave it someplace safe and dry for anywhere from a day to multiple days. After that, try using an external keyboard. Should it still prove problematic, then you may be looking at a motherboard replacement.