Kindle Fire Tablet Getting Major UI Update Soon

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I welcome the update, the UI needs some tweakage for sure. Kinda clumsy at times. I've no serious problems with my Fire though. Annoyances like volume control and the power switch? Yeah... But since the Fire doesn't have an up and down really, I flip it upside down so the switch is on the top. The screen re-orients regardless or which direction it is facing. The volume thing? I manage to adjust the volume fine without hard buttons, but I'd still prefer the buttons for volume. :)

Overall, the Fire rocks for keeping a lot of books and reference materials on you without having to carry around a bunch of physical books. For $200 this is working out GREAT and it is an awesome device. I'd recommend it to any field tech in any industry. Just make sure to convert the PDF's of the Field Service Manuals and such to MOBI's using Calibre or similar app.

But any more expensive and my AWESOME opinion would turn into a what a "piece of junk" review. Funny how psychology works. If I'd spent $600 on an iPad I'd be complaining daily about it, because at $600 I'm going to expect absolute perfection and NOTHING is perfect... But $200 for a device that does 85%? I give it a pass, because it's good enough, and it is a good overall value. I'll upgrade it again next year for another $200 for a device that is better than today's premium tablets and still have an extra $200 in my pocket. :) That's how the technology market works. Early adopters get screwed. The folks that grab "good enough" spend less and get more in the end.

i echo alot of your views, im still on the fence on whether i should keep my fire or not (still within the 30 day period)

strangely enough im beginning to warm up to 7" it's a nice size not too big and not too small, i do wish for a higher resolution display though (but that just me), performance wise it's not so bad (except for the damn GUI which seems to have some preset delay built in), and yes it's a great ebook reader

the greatest disappointment for the fire was the lack of SD card slot and a very hesitant touch screen, when it works it works great but when it doesn't, well factored in with the laggy GUI it can become a guessing game whether it registered or not

my only other gripe is more to do with mobile web browsing then the device in general, web browsing automatically drops every page into the mobile version, which is a another word for the sux version of the web page, contains 10% of the content and utility of the actual web page, i understand the need to optimize web pages for mobile devices but sometimes it feels more like crippling rather than optimizing, there are times when i end up running back to my (very hefty) laptop just cause the mobile web browsing experience is so infuriating, which leaves me somewhat despairing
I've have the kindle and bought two for my family for christmas. I don't see nothing major wrong with it. Its an initial release and a few bugs are expected and of course user expect this and that which will be provided with updates. iPad wasn't perfect on ititial release either so anyone that expects perfection coming out the door is expecting too much! that's with any device. I love it so far.
My wife's Fire was super easy to root - it's far more useful now that is has the Android Market and the App Launcher has been replaced with a more usable UI. For the price, it's a nice little tablet (once it's been rooted).
I am still debating on whether to get an iPad and a Kindle Fire. These improvements are getting me to start leaning towards the fire. I already bought a Laptop during Black Friday because you can do more with it. I like the mobility of tablets so I ended up buying a laptop table from Lapeez at for use while traveling. I can work on it like a table while the laptop sits in my lap.

Next year I'll surely get a tablet, most likely the fire
I have an iPad and iPad2. I noticed for older people its intuitive to use. I would like to get one for my inlaws. But the price for the Fire is hard to beat. My main question is can the Fire be as easy to use for older non teckie people?

You wrote: "leaving us wondering how sharp the Kindle Fire would look with a Honeycomb or Ice Cream Sandwich appearance"

If this happened then I would think it would be possible to use the dongles such as USB micro to HDMI and USB micro to USB female adapter because Android's 'Honeycomb' 3.1 update now has USB Host support natively.

Seems like a simple thing that Amazon should update the OS to take full advantage of the possible synergies that the Kindle Fire could create for users.

Thanks. God Bless.

Now that was about the dumbest comment ever made - no way to keep the kids out and from making unauthorized purchases.

Tell me, how do you keep children out of your wallet, pocketbook, cash stash, liquor cabinet, medicine cabinet, car or anything else? IT IS CALLED PARENTAL SUPERVISION!

For crying out loud, now Amazon is supposed to keep your children from doing things you don't want them to do? Grow the heck up and be a parent instead of a friend first. Parents who can't manage their children's tech activites need not to be parents. Geeesh.
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