Hello all. So I've been wanting to get a new computer for a while and I've finally decided to buy one. So thanks in advance for any help.
Budget: Around $800
Notebook size: Nothing super-small. More of a gaming laptop so it needs to be decently large.
Screen Resolution: Don't really care.
Portable or desktop replacement: Desktop replacement mainly
Battery life: Decent, but not a huge factor
6. Games
I would like to be able to play:
Guild Wars 2 (when it comes out)
Rome: Total War
Medieval 2 Total War
Empire : Total War
Shogun 2: Total War
I would like to be able to play on high graphics, but not super-high.
Other tasks:
Microsoft Word
Storage: I don't really know for this one. What would you guys recommend?
Specific Sites:
I don't really have any favorites as long as the site is trustworthy. I've bought from Staples and Best Buy before, but I don't need to buy from them specifically.
Laptop lifetime: Is 5 years out of the realm of possibility?
Optical Drive:
I like HP and Intel/AMD. Generally anything with good reliability.
Country: USA
Additional info:
I think I would like a laptop, however if you think a desktop would be better for me, I would be open to hearing advices.
I have always been a fan of Windows XP. Although, I don't know if it would be possible or smart for me to get one that still has the operating system.
Again thanks in advance for any advice.
Budget: Around $800
Notebook size: Nothing super-small. More of a gaming laptop so it needs to be decently large.
Screen Resolution: Don't really care.
Portable or desktop replacement: Desktop replacement mainly
Battery life: Decent, but not a huge factor
6. Games
I would like to be able to play:
Guild Wars 2 (when it comes out)
Rome: Total War
Medieval 2 Total War
Empire : Total War
Shogun 2: Total War
I would like to be able to play on high graphics, but not super-high.
Other tasks:
Microsoft Word
Storage: I don't really know for this one. What would you guys recommend?
Specific Sites:
I don't really have any favorites as long as the site is trustworthy. I've bought from Staples and Best Buy before, but I don't need to buy from them specifically.
Laptop lifetime: Is 5 years out of the realm of possibility?
Optical Drive:
I like HP and Intel/AMD. Generally anything with good reliability.
Country: USA
Additional info:
I think I would like a laptop, however if you think a desktop would be better for me, I would be open to hearing advices.
I have always been a fan of Windows XP. Although, I don't know if it would be possible or smart for me to get one that still has the operating system.
Again thanks in advance for any advice.