Laptop Chips.....AMD DUAL CORE or INTEL DUO 2 CORE


Feb 2, 2007
I am buying a laptop in the next couple of days, and I am a big fan of the AMD company. I am trying to decide which way to go as this is the first time buying a laptop. AMD Turion 64 X 2 TL - 56, and Intel Duo 2 Core T5600. Relatively the same speed of processor 1.8 - 1.6 respectively. Both systems will have 2GB DDR ram @ 667mhz, with a 120GB 5400rpm HD, with the same video (ATI x1400) The difference is about $200.00CND between the two. Anybody with some info or reviews for either chip please, please let me know! Thanks.
From what I've seen from K/N. He uses both in his Laptops. He says the Intel are better. I'm using a Turion in my Compaq. But I've had it for 1.5 years. What will you be using your Lappy for?
Sorry I should have listed this. Mainly for email, some business apps, digital music, online poker......nothing too severe, however I do need something realiable. Thanks in advance!
Don't quote me on this... but I believe the Core 2 Duos are more energy efficient (= longer battery life) as well as more powerful. I can't remember where I got that info from, but I will try to find it when I get a spare minute.
Both Jasum and Boss have it about right. A turion X2 will perform equally to a Core Duo, but a Core 2 will outperform both. Now a days, you can't compare CPUs from AMD and Intel by ghz/mhz. The processors each run differently so a 2 ghz Intel Core 2 will perform differently than a 2 ghz Turion. But for the things you listed, a Turion will be able to handle with ease and you said it was cheaper. If cost is limiting you and you don't need the best performance, the Turion chip will do just fine. My 2 cents.
I recently went through the same decision process. I went with the Acer 5112. The AMD chip is faster in Linux than the Intel, but the XP OEM sucks. Acer has made its own changes to XP Pro. I have no idea why. They also insist on FAT 32 and a recovery scheme that is for the birds. The laptop is a good deal for the price though, and if you replace the OS with something other than Acers OEM then you get a nice machine for about $1000 CDN.
Don't expect too much help from tech support as it is virtually non-existant and you can't get the same answer twice.
I also play online (Day of Defeat) through the wireless card and it runs just fine. The ATI Radeon X1600 card with 512M of memory is a real plus, here.
get a core 2 t5600. It has lower clock speed that will perform on par with amds x2 2Ghz model but will draw less power. T7200 and up for the best performance per watt. Turions X2 are on par with core duos.
Don't forget that the L2 chache is twice as large in the t7200. I think that would affect performance more than the difference in clocks.