Solved! Laptop Not For Gaming Recommendation


Nov 9, 2010
Help! I'm in the market for a new laptop right away, but need information before my husband just orders one without my input. I will use the laptop for web surfing, playing music, and e-mail.

What is your budget? - I would like to keep it under $700 but any suggestions near that would be welcome

What is the size of the notebook that you are considering? - I would prefer a 14/14.1 inch laptop. Weight is a concern as is performance (I don't want to sacrifice processor speed or performance for a lighter laptop)

What screen resolution do you want? - Doesn't matter

Do you need a portable or desktop replacement laptop? - Looking for more of a portable system

How much battery life do you need? - I would like at least 4 or 5 hours

Do you want to play games with your laptop? - Nope, not since the original Sim City and Need for Speed were big in 1995 (!)

How much storage (H.D.D Capacity) do you need? - Probably 320 GB, but 250 GB could possibly work.

How long do you want to keep your laptop? - at least 2 1/2 years

Please tell us about the brands that you prefer to buy from them and the brands that you don't like and explain the reasons. - I don't have any brand preference, but would like something reliable.

What country do you live in? - Canada, but I can also ship to the US.

Thanks in advance for any recommendations!