X xmx_23 Distinguished Jan 29, 2011 4 0 18,510 Apr 3, 2011 #1 studying computer science for business at uni in october was wondering which would be best custom built pc or laptop considering the msi gx 660r - i5 460m 6gb ddr3 1tb(2 x 500gb raid 0)
studying computer science for business at uni in october was wondering which would be best custom built pc or laptop considering the msi gx 660r - i5 460m 6gb ddr3 1tb(2 x 500gb raid 0)
WR2 Judicious Nov 18, 2005 8,354 1 34,810 Apr 3, 2011 #2 Hello xmx_23; Some more info would be useful. Check this sticky topic: FAQ - Read before buying / considering a laptop
Hello xmx_23; Some more info would be useful. Check this sticky topic: FAQ - Read before buying / considering a laptop
X xmx_23 Distinguished Jan 29, 2011 4 0 18,510 Apr 3, 2011 #3 WR2 : Hello xmx_23; Some more info would be useful. Check this sticky topic: FAQ - Read before buying / considering a laptop cheers i was just wondering in terms of power, portability
WR2 : Hello xmx_23; Some more info would be useful. Check this sticky topic: FAQ - Read before buying / considering a laptop cheers i was just wondering in terms of power, portability