C collinsf Honorable Aug 15, 2013 1 0 10,510 Aug 15, 2013 #1 How can I connect my Dell laptop to my Toshiba 42HP83 television, so I can show a web movie on the TV?
How can I connect my Dell laptop to my Toshiba 42HP83 television, so I can show a web movie on the TV?
makkem Distinguished Jan 22, 2012 483 0 20,060 Aug 16, 2013 #2 Hi Does your laptop have an HDMI output,if so you just need an hdmi cable between laptop and tv. If it has a DVI output then you will need a DVI to HDMI adaptor.
Hi Does your laptop have an HDMI output,if so you just need an hdmi cable between laptop and tv. If it has a DVI output then you will need a DVI to HDMI adaptor.
A americanaudiophile Titan Aug 27, 2008 14,933 147 103,240 Aug 16, 2013 #3 Your TV only has DVI or AV inputs that you might have on your laptop. If your laptop only has VGA output then you can get a VGA to DVI cable such as this http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812228424&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-DVI+Cables-_-N82E16812228424&gclid=CJTNqfTKgrkCFUei4AodUWcABQ You will also need an audio cable to connect for sound. This cable will need a stereo mini plug at one end and what ever connector your TV needs at the other.
Your TV only has DVI or AV inputs that you might have on your laptop. If your laptop only has VGA output then you can get a VGA to DVI cable such as this http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812228424&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-DVI+Cables-_-N82E16812228424&gclid=CJTNqfTKgrkCFUei4AodUWcABQ You will also need an audio cable to connect for sound. This cable will need a stereo mini plug at one end and what ever connector your TV needs at the other.