chromic :
i think that you dont need more than 8-12gb max ram in these next few years why the heck you would need 32???
Well thank you sir for your free consulting and making the originator of the question reflect on his or her reasoning as to whether or not they are a bit dumb.
I see these sort of rethorical questions from time to time and find interesting people make the assumption that another doesn't need 32GB RAM based on what I assume to be "their naivity and lack of commercial experience".
There are valid business reasons one would want 32GB Ram.
I have 32GB Ram and a single i7 Processor in my laptop because I can't get a laptop with 64GB and 2 x i7. As such I have two laptops and about 10TB of attached storage.
I work with virtualization and the "semantic web". many of my files are 25 to 128GB in size and I'm running multiple virtual machines some of them needing 8GB each. I dont wish to use the cloud for all of it because its not practical.
There are others out there who do a lot of work with native graphics, I suppose they too need some chunky laptops. I have a laptop so I can take to a customer site and have had to clone an entire production system onto my machine to make tests - I can't take a server rack with me.