Laptop won't shut down after installing 2nd HDD Caddy in Asus K55a


Aug 18, 2013
Hi, I bought a EiioX SATA 2nd 2.5'' Hard Drive Caddy for my Asus K55a. It works fine in that I can see and use the 2nd hdd however it will not shut down properly the screen just stays blank but powered on so I have to hold down the power button to turn it off. Any suggestions? thank you

Yes, if I take out the 2nd HDD it all shuts down fine. I have currently removed it until I find a solution as I can't work with it not shutting down properly. I have put it in and taken it out several times and everytime it is in there it won't shut down properly but it never happens when it's not in there.


Have you tried installing the 2nd HDD and going into the BIOS and reset it to factory defaults? Try and see if that helps.

I have exactly the same problem! K55-VJ
Hey guys,

In my caddy, close to the pins there is a small white piece of plastic. I just notice it today. If you switch it to the other position, all my problems where solved.

Hope you can go around with that. Cheers
Thanks Victor,
This was really bugging me but switching that fixed it


Hi. Can you show that piece of plastic? Thanks.

Hi Ashep,

Sorry but I don't own the computer anymore but the piece I refer to looks like a lever and that can be moved between 2 positions. If you inspect closely, you will find. If nothing appears, probably your thing does not have this "feature"


Thank you! Just found it.

woooww thank you so much sir, it really work on my device

How the heck did you figure that out, I went a headache thinking it the was OS (I figured out worked fine in safemode in W10). Mind was black but it was indeed a switch, it had three positions and I switched it to the middle one, does anyone know what the three positions do? Anyways, wish I pinpointed that it was the second HDD's fault earlier, but thanks Vic!

Thanks alot! Works normal now.

THANKS A LOT, thats fix it great.

I tried changing all three positions of the switch. I also isolated the third ground pin with some tape, but the problem still persists. If I shutdown the laptop right after I turn it on, it turns off normally, but if I open some files in the HDD (caddy) and let them run for a while, modificate them, the shutdown freezes at the last bit and leaves me with a black screen.

Maybe putting an SSD into the caddy instead of the HDD would work, I am not sure, but then I encounter another problem with Boot options, where everytime I get Bios screen and have to manually select it to boot from windows boot manager: ssd

Hey Victor, my DVD caddy has two of those white plastic switches. Those are labelled as SW1 and SW2. Which one should I use?