

Feb 11, 2012

Well the thing is my computers hardware is: ati radeon 7200, amd duron 1.6 ghz, 512 mb of ram (old isnt it) i cant play almost anything with this crap

So im going to buy a computer(laptop) its specs are:core 2 duo (dont remember which one :D ), gma 945/950 and 4 gb of ram... So is this laptop a improve and can it handle games like portal, portal 2, minecraft, dungeon defenders, half life 2 and all source games, the gta series and morrowind and oblivion

Sincerely craft321
It's a small upgrade. It's a common price of c2d laptops, although I see lower prices on craigslist and ebay. Don't expect much more than 15 fps on low in any of those games you listed except for minecraft.
A decent gaming laptop is gonna cost ya over $1000 ... I'm on a 3 year old 1920 x 1200 lappie and I play games just fine tho I wouldn't call myself a gaming enthusiast.

I'd look at the Clevo P151HM, 150HM and 170HM or their Asus equivalents .... something with at least a 560M


It's a small upgrade. It's a common price of c2d laptops, although I see lower prices on craigslist and ebay. Don't expect much more than 15 fps on low in any of those games you listed except for minecraft.