I think thats the point sometimes, given the issue of maybe not knowing and knowing, but based of a knowing more then not, right?
Anyways for the sack of arguement can be one at least too, right? Even though it would be nothing maybe, but for the fact of protrayal, right?
But of it at least, even though i didnt read the whole article, of that idea of protrayal, is only as it could be taken then presented? Hard saying, or telling sometimes, without even the idea of "hush" to say let alone with it. Right?
I like the copyright issue, as well sometimes, when most people in the interest carry anouynmous, or however that is spelt, "being" with the interest for varying reasons. You can pay basically anybody. The protrayal, of that one though is lacking i think, in terms of use of protrayal, right? or some part of it?
News only covers so much doesn't it? Which is in its own right though to say..maybe, idk. Probably not the last time granny pulls a stunt.
Least the 10,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea, could say that had a good start next time, right? Idk, could probably see anyone lawyer as good as the next one sometimes though on that "note".