lcd screen

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Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

sony vaio pcg-grx700p

comes up looking like one of the old amber monochrome flat panels, flickers
for a few seconds and goes black,
if it were a crt i'd say that the green gun was gone.

Out of Warranty (of course) . Is this issue more likely to be a loose chip
/ wiring harness issue or an display issue.

When switching between lcd/vga modes, i can consistently get the
flicker/die, it appears to not be o/s related, as the same issue will occur
when booting to the bios.

Suggestions welcome.
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?) wrote:
> sony vaio pcg-grx700p
> comes up looking like one of the old amber monochrome flat panels,
> flickers for a few seconds and goes black,
> if it were a crt i'd say that the green gun was gone.
> Out of Warranty (of course) . Is this issue more likely to be a
> loose chip / wiring harness issue or an display issue.
> When switching between lcd/vga modes, i can consistently get the
> flicker/die, it appears to not be o/s related, as the same issue will
> occur when booting to the bios.
> Suggestions welcome.

If the picture is OK on an external monitor, then the problem is with
the LCD screen itself, connectors, or wiring bundle. If not OK on an
external monitor, then it's a mainboard problem with the video system.
What has been the history up to this failure?

Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

history is worked fine until one day the lcd went all whacked...

I had deduced, as you mention that the fact that an external VGA was
functional strongly
implied issue w/ laptop hardware, the question is , given the symptomology
( screen appears miscolored and flickers
for several seconds before going black whenever the screen is activeated
(power up or fn-key swap) is it possible to
say w/ any degree of certainty that the issue is the screen itself, or a
loose connection issue.

It is definitely not heat related, etc.
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?) wrote:
> history is worked fine until one day the lcd went all whacked...
> I had deduced, as you mention that the fact that an external VGA was
> functional strongly
> implied issue w/ laptop hardware, the question is , given the
> symptomology ( screen appears miscolored and flickers
> for several seconds before going black whenever the screen is
> activeated (power up or fn-key swap) is it possible to
> say w/ any degree of certainty that the issue is the screen itself,
> or a loose connection issue.
> It is definitely not heat related, etc.

Not with any certainty. A mainboard connector failure is rare; an LCD
screen failure is rare; a cable failure is rare but is often preceeded
by intermittent problems. You need a third-party repair service to
diagnose the problem or you can do it yourself with eBay parts.
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

This could be a backlight problem. As the voltage to the backlight
becomes VERY low, the light changes color, becoming orange/red (and
dim), then extinguishing completely. While backlight problems can be
either the actual lamps or the inverter, inverter prooblems are more
common, and that would be my guess although it's hard to say without
seeing it.

[Note, if it's an inverter problem, the image will still be on the
screen even when the inverter goes out completely, but it will be very
difficult to see. Try shinging a bright flashlight at the screen in a
dark room, or holding the flashlight right up against the screen. See
if the Windows desktop is still, in fact, present. wrote:
> sony vaio pcg-grx700p
> comes up looking like one of the old amber monochrome flat panels, flickers
> for a few seconds and goes black,
> if it were a crt i'd say that the green gun was gone.
> Out of Warranty (of course) . Is this issue more likely to be a loose chip
> / wiring harness issue or an display issue.
> When switching between lcd/vga modes, i can consistently get the
> flicker/die, it appears to not be o/s related, as the same issue will occur
> when booting to the bios.
> Suggestions welcome.
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

it definitely has that old monochrome orangish monochrome look...though the
image (if present)
is undetectable after a few seconds of flicker...

I thank both persons who responded for the generosity of their time and