Well the good old USA dose it again, all the money going to the USA, why not share as the rest of the world will end up paying. Maybe every country in the world should pass a bill like the sherman, maybe to tackle the USA based SPAM kings, how can the Americans pass a bill to "legalise" spamming of users throughout the world and yet not take action. My bill would go like this;
Hey American ISP, you provide an internet connection to a spammer who directly or indirectly used it to send or cause me to be spammed. Give me $10,000 or you goto prison in (let me think) Afghanistan, and you can make your own way home afterwards.
That one would get my vote, but to be serious the Americans are hypocrites, as long as it's not in their back yard or affecting the price/supply of oil they don't give a toss.
If I where them I'd use the defence that I did it because I don't like them, not to rip them off.