Looking for a laptop cooling pad


Mar 12, 2012
Hi everyone i am looking for a cooling pad for my laptop because it gets really hot as of right now checking the temps with speed fan my cpu is 75 Celsius and ranges from 65-75 Celsius. I was wondering if there are ones that run off a power adapter so i dont have to use usb to run it. If push comes to shove and i need one that require a usb port are there ones with hubs on them that i can use my laptop only has two usb ports and my mouse is taking up one of them so i only have one free. My price range is 30 dollars but i may be willing to go a little higher if i need to.

Okay i found this http://www.amazon.com/Cooler-Master-NotePal-Notebook-R9-NBC-8PCK-G/dp/B003ZMF27G/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1335549602&sr=1-1 would this be a good purchase or not.


Jan 20, 2012
That one looks ok. My experience has been to stick with ones where you can move the fans on the grid to line up exactly where you are trying to remove heat from the most on your laptop, or one with a large central fan like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834997410

I have a Zalman with an aluminum frame that works fairly well on my older Asus N80vn, but it does not have moveable fans and I wish it did.



Mar 12, 2012
Well i dont think that i can move it on the grid to line it up with the coolermaster but it says i can remove them to place them where i need them to be. Unless someone else convinces me otherwise i might get the coolermaster the antec looks nice but it is a little out of my price range.