Looking for a laptop/notebook that is sturdy, gaming, watch movies, and surfing the web/writing


Feb 9, 2015
price range is 400-600

games: civilization, sims, and dont starve. Mostly fun indie multiplayer games.

Watch movies.

Sturdy enough to tote around and use in the kitchen for cooking.
You are going to have to be flexible on requirements or budget.

To fit your budget the only option is a AMD APU (a6/a8/a10) laptop for $400-500 range that will play most games on low-medium settings and its cpu will be noticeably slower in all day to day tasks.

To get a competent laptop you would need an intel cpu (preferably i5 or i7) plus a dedicated GPU (860 or better) and that will start out around $900 (and go up from there).

In the world of laptops: can game, adequate performance, <$850 - PICK 2