Looking for help with getting speakers/studio monitors


Oct 26, 2013
I'm looking to get good speakers for my computer. I just don't know much about hifi stuff....

So, budget 200-300€ to the speakers (preffer lower cost ofc) and if i need to get an amplifier i would like to know if there are any good ones for 50-200€ in the markets, of course not any audiophile level 😛

I would like to get some sort of studio monotors.

I would also like if somebody "teaches" me with how the set up sort of works. Like do I have to get amplifier if i want to get studio monitors to my computer etc. (This might sound funny for you guys but hey, I'm a newbie on this sort of things :ange: )

Also, these would be used for listening to music, all kind of genders, watching movies & playing.

Any questons, feel free to ask! :)
do you have a sound card? if decent one get something like hivi swans m200mkii 2.0 or look for krk rokit 5 or 8.

if not, go to your tesco and buy any sub 50 euro thing you find. or you can get something like genius 5-6000 5.1 speakers, as even they would be probably too good for the integrated sound card (and will suffer same as your ears 😀)

I do have a sound card: creative sound blaster z & I live in Finland so we don't have tescos in here so I'll go to some other shop i guess.. Also I'm mainly looking for studio monitors 😛, like https://m.thomann.de/gb/presonus_eris_5.htm these ones for example. So you are saying that any 50+€/$ amplifier would do the job?