Man Commits Suicide on Live Webcam

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One guy even posted, "10 mg xanax will cause serious blackout with potential to stop breathing. You should probably eat at least 5 at one time." in that thread.... 🙁
so sad, the moderators of that forum shouldve flagged his posts when he was mentioning suicide. By the misaction of the moderators, some people were able to even taunt the guy.
They made a movie about something like this not to long ago. The bad guy took a victim, open a website, and the more viewers the painfull it was for the victim. Sad, ... so sad. So I ask you, do the movies reflect society, or does society influnets our movies?
[citation][nom]shock_at[/nom]so sad, the moderators of that forum shouldve flagged his posts when he was mentioning suicide. By the misaction of the moderators, some people were able to even taunt the guy.[/citation]

People say this all the time, most are just being trolls. Few are actually meaning it. Some believed it was even a prank, which doesn't surprise me. Too many idiots out there would do stupid shit like this just for some laughs. Oh well, it's unfortunate that it caused someone to die.

It's obvious he just posted it for some attention for someone to say stop. An perfect example of cry wolf. Enough people do it as a prank that when someone is REALLY doing it, they think they are just joking.

Also technically anyone who watched can be charged with murder, or charged with something probably.... They watched as a man died at did nothing about it.
You know, im a moderator in a chat room and i dont know why it took someone so long to call authorities?
And for all you immature asshats who encouraged this.... well now you have to live with it. No it isnt your fault, but your error was in the way you all reacted.
His troubles are now over... it's harder now for the people that knew him. I wish them all and him, the best in whatever life or afterlife they are in.
Great, the internet is filled with a bunch of retards trying to be cool. It's as if those fags think they're anons. Sorry guys, encouraging suicide is not funny, and you should usually take your own advice when you say such things. The world would probably be a better place.

They didn't have to beg him to stay alive, but to egg him on and give him the encouragement to kill himself... I have no doubt that people are willing to kill themselves and there are people who have the desire to feel all righteous for being assholes. It's not as if there isn't any choice in the matter; you can be a reasonable person and leave the poor bastard alone.
[citation][nom]hexislave[/nom]You know, im a moderator in a chat room and i dont know why it took someone so long to call authorities? And for all you immature asshats who encouraged this.... well now you have to live with it. No it isnt your fault, but your error was in the way you all reacted.[/citation]

Like hell it isn't their fault! One of the base rules of any forum should be a warning or ban for suicide encouragement! It's not as if this is a new problem! If you can't manage a forum, you shouldn't be moderating one.
[citation][nom]resonance451[/nom]Like hell it isn't their fault! One of the base rules of any forum should be a warning or ban for suicide encouragement! It's not as if this is a new problem! If you can't manage a forum, you shouldn't be moderating one.[/citation]

People shouldn't be retarded and selfish and commit suicide. See it works both ways.
Committing suicide isn't retarded and selfish. You've shown a callous lack of understanding typical of someone very ignorant. Get a clue. Suicide is always the wrong decision, but once you understand the realities behind a decision, wrong and right suddenly aren't so easily defined by your self-righteous high and mighty moral standards. It's always easy to dump another brick on someone else's back while they're carrying the load, and then laugh as they collapse and call them weak. Get a clue, the world needs it. There are enough idiots out there with a complete lack of understanding. You don't need to be another one of them.
Committing suicide IS selfish. You think of no one but yourself, you are basically saying you are the only one who ever goes through hard times in your life, that and not caring when family or friends will have to go through when you die.

It's being selfish. Also retarded because you are taking your own life.

I have understanding, I nearly did it myself. Afterwards I looked back I realize I selfish I was being, also retarded for even trying. This was when I 14. I know what I'm talking about, you do not.
yeah hes a selfish selfish little man. Im really sure hes going through so much (whinny sarcasm voice) that his little selfish head just popped. Give me a break. His little problems dont ammount to what most of the people in the world have to go through. His disision was idiotic. He wasnt suffering from something that was taking his life away, if he was there are much better ways of doing it then what he did. He did it out of pure weak will and selfishness. I really have little pity for people who want to die because they were never tought by thier deadbeat parents how to cope with life.If he wanted to die because of say hes going to die a painful agonising death because of something he has in the next few weeks then sure but hes a moron.
I just looked at the thread and I can not see how anyone can feel pity for him. One example of what he said

"lol I'll post when I found out, last time I did it I had 4 bars of xanax and 15 pills of ultram, I'm gonna try to score some of that again tonight, I got banned for a month for attempting sucide and my JTV account was deleted :-("

WTF? No wonder people thought it was a joke, not to mention his name was "CandyJunkie."
[citation][nom]kami3k[/nom]Committing suicide IS selfish. You think of no one but yourself, you are basically saying you are the only one who ever goes through hard times in your life, that and not caring when family or friends will have to go through when you die.It's being selfish. Also retarded because you are taking your own life. I have understanding, I nearly did it myself. Afterwards I looked back I realize I selfish I was being, also retarded for even trying. This was when I 14. I know what I'm talking about, you do not.[/citation]

Actually, I deal with a very heavy dose of bipolar disorder each and every day. I have had numerous encounters with near-suicides, a few involving police, and one of those involving being blackmailed by a couple of cops. So yeah, I do know what I'm talking about.

The most important suicide attempt was when I had been taking medications. A few years ago, I had decided to start a new life after all the miserable pain I'd been experiencing, and in an effort to "fix" myself (even though bipolar disorder is incurable) for everyone that cared about me and wanted me to succeed, I underwent intensive therapy and treatment with medications. The combination of 5 medications I had been taking in various dosages was destroying me and robbing me of the basic ability to think, and everyone around me just stood around and watched as I could barely finish a sentence, and as I woke up in the middle of the night shaking and screaming from a searing pain I couldn't get rid of. Eventually I sacrificed so much of myself, I didn't have much left to give in the state I was in. I couldn't feel anything but raw pain anymore. And finally, one last part of my life collapsed, and I couldn't bear anything anymore. I would've just continued sinking further and further into oblivion until death came for me. But instead I made one last desperate attempt to shake the disease. I overdosed, taking every last pill I had, totaling hundreds of antipsychotics, anti-depressants, and other psychotropic medicines. I spent three days in a state of delirium, lost and talking to shadow people, with only a few snippets of conscious feeling remaining with me to this day. Does that make me selfish, a simple wish to end the pain and do something for myself for once, after giving every last part of me away? As it turns out, the overdose was the best thing I could've done. Since I had no meds left, and had to recover for a few days, I got sober for the first time in what seemed like endless months. It allowed me to make a conscious decision again, and it gave me the will to fight on for a purpose beyond the hell of my day-to-day life.

So I don't want to hear about your petty suicide attempt and how much shit you think you've been though. You don't know anything about suicide. It's not selfish, and it's not stupid. It is wrong and wasteful in the sense that you're going to die anyway and might as well live for the chance of a better day. But maybe you should think a little bit (something you don't seem to be in the habit of doing) before you criticize and laugh at somebody whose problems just might be a little worse than yours. Go die in a fire, you insensitive prick. The world could stand to lose a few people like you.
yeah and is going to give back the money that the advertisers paid for ads during that broadcast? I DOUBT IT.


this is internet age, we'll get sort of like that again a lot in the future.
there are people who commit suicide in front of an audience like those jumping from buildings and billboards.
Suicide isn't stupid? Are you retarded? Oh wait you must be. You going against every single thing you do. Everything you do in life is to preserve your it, not end it.

And yes it is selfish, you not thinking of no one else but yourself. Again, you are saying you are the only one who goes through hard times in their life.

Also calling me the insensitive prick? Your the one saying suicide isn't selfish. Suicide is the most selfish thing to do. The fact you can't see that makes you the insensitive prick. Means you have no problem with someone making their friend and family suffer because they are themselves are selfish?

Also calling my suicide attempt petty? First off NO suicide attempt is a petty one. Also you don't even know ANYTHING about my suicide attempt and yet you calling it petty one? I could of been hospitalized for months because of it. Hell I could be a cripple because of it. You have no fucking clue.

Again the only insensitive prick here is you. You are proving that you don't care about other people or what hard times they been through. Also being selfish, by saying your life must be worst then mine or anyone elses. You have no clue what I been through in my life, I could of have my entire family burn alive in front of me. You have no clue.

And yet somehow your troubles in life are greater then mine and everyone else?

Your a pathetic insignificant, insensitive, completely dumb, selfish, asshole who thinks he's better then every one else and that only you go through hard times in life.

No wonder you are bi-polar. Your view of the world is completely self-centered and pathetic.

I hope you do kill yourself. You are the only person I have said that to and actually meant it too. You are truly selfish fuck who should die a horrible death.

Also I never read your story, why the fuck should I. After all my attempt was "petty" and obviously I've never had hard times in my life.

Also when did I laugh at the kid? I never did you idiot. That quote I have with lol it in, IS FROM THE GUY WHO COMMITTED SUICIDE. That was posted on the very same thread that stated he was going to kill himself. How is someone suppose to take that seriously?

Gee you truly a pathetic insignificant, insensitive, completely dumb, selfish, asshole who thinks he's better then every one else and that only you go through hard times in life.
@kami3k, I just want to throw my $.02 in. Not to do the whole Me Too thing, but I've attempted to commit suicide a number of times, overdose and electrocution, so I would think we are all on the same page.
Depression is by definition a mental disorder, so it affects the way one thinks. For me, I closed myself off from everyone else, and then let myself convince myself that committing suicide was the right thing to do. It wasn't and still isn't, but at the time it did, which is what I think Resonance is trying to say. The mind is F****d up and whether an action is right or wrong no longer matters to them.
For me I believed that my death would not be selfish because it would let the money wasted on me go to my brothers and sisters ho were more deserving of it. As for the sorrow they would feel, I thought that they would realize my worthlessness like I had and just let it go. Again, it wasn t a right belief, its a mental thing.

Also I don't think anyone should say another persons suicide attempt is petty, they are incredibly personal and we all had our reasons, none of them right, but they still had a huge effect on us.

Additionally, due to the decreased level of dopamine in the brain, which regulates your level of "happiness", that is found in people prone to depression, it doesn t always take much to push them over. So while an event may seem trivial to you, and it indeed might be, that might be all it takes.

The problem with bi-polar disorder is that it is incurable. So while others like me (and probably you) can get by with meds or changing the way we think, people like Resonance can't. I can't imagine the hell of having to face that everyday. Despite this I don't think he had a right to attack you, and you should not advocate his death for a simple comment he has made. The point of this news post is to mourn the passing of an individual and by telling Resonance to die, you could be seen as doing the same thing that happened on the forums.
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