Medium end Camera


Nov 16, 2003
I'm looking to buy a medium end Digital camera. I'm torn between the olympus 750 c and the Canon G5, Nikon Coolpix 5700. Also a consideration is the Canon A80. I'm looking for a camera that gives me many options. I'm looking to take everyday photos, as well as some wildlife and Night pictures. Another consideration, is the ability to take other lenses. THe Olympus 750c and the canon A80 both have this ability. Price is also an issue. I already own a Compac flash card. Let me know what you think


Jan 14, 2003
well i have the cannon A70 so i am biased LOL

the cannon A70 is very simialr to the A80 except for a few things.

A) the swivel LCD lens on the A80 is fantstic, i could have used this feature so many times.

B) the resolution is more in the A80 than the A70

thats basicly the difference i think.

if you want to see the quality of the A70 camera, then you would probably expect to see similar quality in the A80. i have a whole gallery of images taken by the A70 on my website, i have the shrunk down small versions and then the uncompressed full sized images. here is the link to the BIG ones, if you don't have the bandwidth just go down one gallery with the button in the top right side.

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

i really am pleased with the A70, i don't know about other cameras or more recent ones i got ine about 5 months ago.

also taking AA batteries is great


<A HREF="" target="_new"></A> its where its all going on


Feb 8, 2001
The Nikon 5700 is cool. Many say the G5 takes too long between shots. Otherwise it is a fine camera. dunno about the A80.

<b><font color=red>"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."</font color=red><font color=blue> - Benjamin Franklin</font color=blue></b>