News Microsoft is pulling the plug on Windows 7 support — what it means for you


Feb 8, 2016
It's about time. Windows 7 is (well, "was" now) the most obsolete O/S that its developer has ever continued to support. 8, 9. 10 and 11 were all improvements (10 being a truly VAST improvement), but because there were (slight) changes that had a VERY brief learning curve to master, a lot of limited-scope self-styled "Windows 7 gurus" were very vocal on tech forums about its imagined shortcomings, which were actually nothing but their own unfamiliarity and unwillingness to learn.

The IT world is no place for Luddism. Hey, why aren't you still on your TRS-80?
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Jun 24, 2021
Nonsense. I'm nowhere near being a Luddite; I've built our family's computers for decades, I set up and manage our home network, I'm retired from an IT-related professional position, and I happen to be building my own aircraft. I'm also smart enough to understand that 'better is the enemy of good enough.' If you don't need remote control for your light switch, then a 75 cent toggle is as good today as it was in 1960 ( and there are some that were installed in 1960 that are still working). As recently as a few years ago, there were hospitals in my town that are running incredibly expensive software which worked just fine, but only on Windows XP, so they were still running XP. (They might still be running it; I just haven't had to be in a hospital recently to see.)

This is all about planned (and forced) obsolescence. If MS and the hardware builders can convince you that you need a new computer every couple of years like the phone makers have managed with cell phones, then they are the ones that reap the benefits.

To the point of the article; there's info in it that is apparently completely false. Shame on Tom's for saying that Chrome will 'instantly stop working' when it next updates.