thing is i dont want there adds. the reason i use google as my home page is because its add free... theres enough adds on tv without me being force fed them every time i log in to my mail reader... i get enough spam emails already because of these bots...
so no thanx... i dont want em so give me the opportunity to opt out of it please...
i suggest that if you get any adds directed at you specifically that you click junk then set them as phising scams... that way they get blocked and wont even appear in your junk folder.
seriously these companies scanning your emails even with bots is an invasion of privacy...
so get out my email folder and stop taking short cuts to get me to look at adds i dont want to see anyway...
if i want a holiday i will go look for holiday providers, same with anything else i may want... i will look for it when i want it, i dont need to be told every 5 mins that i need this or that a bot took a keyword... seriously invade my privacy so you can advertise to me??? im sure theres gonna be laws against that... if there isnt already...
after all you would object if a postie opens your mail and saw you are paying a loan back. he decides to send you his loan companies info because they have lower rates... how long b4 he ends up in court...
in the uk junk mail has gotten so bad that the postmen are delivering it instead of legitimate letters... at 1 time you could post a letter at 9am and by 12pm the next day it would be at its destination... today your lucky if it gets there within a week... why? because the posties bag is full of junk mail which is getting priority over real letters...
privacy is a right of every 1 and GMail is discarding it, because they claim you signed up to it...but if you dont agree you cant access your email, yay google......
im pretty sure thats blackmail...
rant over