News Microsoft will let you install Windows 11 on unsupported PCs after all — but it's not worth the trouble


Jun 15, 2020
The only damage upgrading to Windows 11 on an unsupported PC is viruses or ransomware, but that can also happen on a supported PC. Overclocking even a supported PC can damage the hardware. Microsoft fearmongering!
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Dec 11, 2024
How many people can afford a new pc. I install windows 11 onto unsupported pcs and have had no problems. There is even a work around for the big updates that won't update on unsupported pcs. I think Microsoft are being stupid by not allowing older pcs to update. The old operating systems will keep on going and ruin their win 11 % in use and it their own fault
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Dec 12, 2024
This is just so much crap from Microsoft. They say that if you run Win 11 on an unsupported PC that you will probably not be able to receive updates, which will make your PC vulnerable to whatever. Well, if you stay with Win 10 after it goes out of support you will have exactly the same problem as with Win 11 on your unsupported PC!
It seems to me that if you WANT to upgrade to Win 11 and your PC isn't supported then you would be no worse off that if you just stuck with Win 10. However, there is no guarantee that unsupported PCs will NOT be able to receive Win 11 updates directly from Microsoft, and even if they can't then there are always workarounds.
Personally. I bought a new gaming computer several months ago with Win 11 pre installed and I HATED it. I have always been reluctant to change my way of doing things, so I thought to be fair I'd give it a chance. After 2 months of headaches and frustration I finally pulled the trigger and reformatted the drive, installing Win 10. My headaches and frustrations disappeared when all of my "older" software, games and hardware worked once again flawlessly!
Honestly, I looked into all the "benefits and upgrades" that are supposed to come with Win 11 and I didn't see ANYTHING that interested or would benefit me. For anyone interested in upgrading to Win 11, my advice would be to look at what you would be REALLY getting and decide if the positives outweigh the negatives for you.
IMHO, Win 11 with it's "requirement" for TPM 2.0 is nothing more than a money grab on behalf of Microsoft. There is no other reason that this tech giant would so forcefully and relentlessly be trying to FORCE people with perfectly good computers that can otherwise run Win 11 perfectly well to buy new hardware solely because their older devices do not possess the ability to run TPM 2.0. Microsoft, TELL them what they are actually risking without TPM capability (and NOT that crap about not receiving updates, because that's something totally under Microsoft's control) and let the community decide if they are willing to take the risks!
And before someone comes in here and describes some specific benefits that Win 11 brings to the table (like maybe the ability to run some NEW games or better support some NEW hardware) let me just say that I have discovered NOTHING that Win 11 can do for me personally that Win 10 cannot. For me, it's a matter of personal choice that I will continue to use Win 10 for as long as it works for me.
Dec 11, 2024
This is just so much crap from Microsoft. They say that if you run Win 11 on an unsupported PC that you will probably not be able to receive updates, which will make your PC vulnerable to whatever. Well, if you stay with Win 10 after it goes out of support you will have exactly the same problem as with Win 11 on your unsupported PC!
It seems to me that if you WANT to upgrade to Win 11 and your PC isn't supported then you would be no worse off that if you just stuck with Win 10. However, there is no guarantee that unsupported PCs will NOT be able to receive Win 11 updates directly from Microsoft, and even if they can't then there are always workarounds.
Personally. I bought a new gaming computer several months ago with Win 11 pre installed and I HATED it. I have always been reluctant to change my way of doing things, so I thought to be fair I'd give it a chance. After 2 months of headaches and frustration I finally pulled the trigger and reformatted the drive, installing Win 10. My headaches and frustrations disappeared when all of my "older" software, games and hardware worked once again flawlessly!
Honestly, I looked into all the "benefits and upgrades" that are supposed to come with Win 11 and I didn't see ANYTHING that interested or would benefit me. For anyone interested in upgrading to Win 11, my advice would be to look at what you would be REALLY getting and decide if the positives outweigh the negatives for you.
IMHO, Win 11 with it's "requirement" for TPM 2.0 is nothing more than a money grab on behalf of Microsoft. There is no other reason that this tech giant would so forcefully and relentlessly be trying to FORCE people with perfectly good computers that can otherwise run Win 11 perfectly well to buy new hardware solely because their older devices do not possess the ability to run TPM 2.0. Microsoft, TELL them what they are actually risking without TPM capability (and NOT that crap about not receiving updates, because that's something totally under Microsoft's control) and let the community decide if they are willing to take the risks!
And before someone comes in here and describes some specific benefits that Win 11 brings to the table (like maybe the ability to run some NEW games or better support some NEW hardware) let me just say that I have discovered NOTHING that Win 11 can do for me personally that Win 10 cannot. For me, it's a matter of personal choice that I will continue to use Win 10 for as long as it works for me.
I have installed many windows 11 on unsupported PC with ko TPM and have experienced no update failure except the big updates going from 23h2 to 24h2 but there is also a work around that won't change any settings etc and then you will get all the updates again. They are mad expecting ppl to buy a new pc. They will make ppl go to Linux etc
Dec 13, 2024
The Windows 11 24H2 did an update and install on my laptop today, it firstly crashed my wifi connection, then when I attempted to uninstall its update and restart, my laptop would not allow me to log into my desktop with my desktop password, the message was that I could not log into my laptop due to no internet access,, so the d**ned Windows had full control of my laptop desktop and login,, without being able to access my wifi, it was not possible to log into my laptop's desktop,, had to go into the bluescreen to choose uninstall recent windows updates,, now my machine and wifi is working again,, and I turned off windows automatic updates,,, so upset,, my laptop is brand new MSI, operated smoothly with no probs until this Windows 24H2 update happened. Horrible, I do not recommend anyone to use that version. :(((
Jan 15, 2025
Windows 11 put me off Windows for good. The amount of telemetry/data slurping they try to get from you is shocking. Thankfully there are tools to stop this.

There is a better alternative, install Linux. It's not difficult. The installers are just to easy to use as Windows. Ubuntu, Mint, Debian, Fedora. All work great and provide you with the same if not better functionality than Windows. If your not tied to Windows for something like Office, I'd highly recommend it. I made the jump two years ago and haven't looked back. The system is very stable, never crashes (MX Linux) and gives you control over updates and much more. And Linux loves what Microsoft might class as "Old Technology". I run an old, early generation i5 with an SSD and it's very quick.

Just my opinion. It ain't gospel. But there are other options out there, instead of going down the path that Microsoft wants to push you down.
Jan 25, 2025
How many people can afford a new pc. I install windows 11 onto unsupported pcs and have had no problems. There is even a work around for the big updates that won't update on unsupported pcs. I think Microsoft are being stupid by not allowing older pcs to update. The old operating systems will keep on going and ruin their win 11 % in use and it their own fault
everyone can afford a new pc, or should I say can you afford not to have a operable safe computer that is fully updated for a week then obsolete, only the people will be covered and the rest default their rights if they fall prey to their internet which they often fail 2 secure its channels anyhow, in all actuality the next update may be the ui update that opens up the floodgates to the undesirables. but atleast if you buy a brand new computer you know you will be equipped with all the latest bloatware for your anoyance. so your box is junk already, install it and let it ride, if they are lucky thier unwillingness to update your definitions might lead to a healthier internet I presume. everyone saying they just forcing sales, yeah its what fuels progession, research and development isnt free, who you think was going to pay for the next line, think your system going hang with quantum systems, better start saving if you want one on launchday.i seen win11 laptops as low as 159, probably crap box but brand new crap, or you could dump windows and use another ui there are a few. will require learning another ui. i been poor my whole life and always have way to many boxes 4 desktops 4 servers 3 laptops 2 tablets and a drawer full of phones. its not always convienent upgrading or buying a new car, or the furnace gtoes out, ect. ect but if the serfvice is important to you, then its just a reason to go shopping, new boxes arent a bad feeling, shiny.there are available install usb win ll out there configured to bypass the health check and works on most older computers with in reason to tye minimium requirements like aliexpe you will need a license, but i wouldnt be tryind a dual core with 2gigs of ram, just throw that one to the bsea turtles yummy silicone and micro plasticd, good enough for you good enough for the world yummy, sale sale sale sale half off double markup, come get it, got all your waffer needs, never worry the new hardware will be equiped with the newest lineup for anyones monitoring need, in the background of course.