Question motorola mz602 zoom question


Aug 20, 2016
i got this motorola zoom from goodwill and i was under the impression that the usb port was the charge port. i plugged it in overnight and nothing. so in looking it up it turns out i actually has a charge port separate from the usb port. i did not see in the manual what the voltage is for the charge port. but going to ebay and looking for the zoom tablet i found out it is 12vdc so i found a 12 volt power supply and an adapter to plug it in and charge it up

now the issue! it is android 4.1.2 and it just will not connect to the play store so i can get one app. i hear google is starting to not update the older stuff so is this one falling into that category of no more playstore apps? all i get is server error when i go to the playstore. if so then it is time to toss it.
so is there a way to get the apps outside of the playstore? i want to get the tinycam app

no sir it sets there and tells me server error. it has been on now for hours. my guess is it is now just to old for google to mess with anymore.

i got online and researched this and tried all there ideas and they failed. i reset it 5 times and the last time i just let it do everything the tablet suggested figuring i could go back later and delete or uninstall unwanted items and it still sets there server error. thanks