MSI vs Asus Gaming laptop? Or wait for Pascal?


Jun 11, 2016
This is my first time creating a thread so excuse me for any problems. I already have a GTX 980 PC but I just wanted a laptop for when i occasionally am on the go. I have gone through alot of research and decided on these 2 laptops but I don't know which I should get. My top priority is performance in games and my max budget is ~$1000. Though I have been thinking about waiting for the new Pascal laptop gpu's especially the 1060M which should release around August. I need a laptop hopefully in September but maximum deadline is October.

Tl;dr should I get one of the laptops below? If so which one? Or should I wait for the 1060M to hit the market around August-September? Thanks!

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Question from Ravedous_ : "MSI vs Asus Gaming laptop? Or wait for Pascal?"

I already posted a similar thread about this in the wrong category. I already have a GTX 980 PC but I just wanted a laptop for when i occasionally am on the go. I have gone through alot of research and decided on these 2 laptops but I don't know which I should get. I also heard that Sager laptops are really good and cheap, so can anyone who has experience post their opinions please? My top priority is performance in games and my max budget is ~$1000. Though I have been thinking about waiting for the new Pascal laptop gpu's especially the 1060M, though I am also thinking about pushing my budget to get a 970M/1070M.

Tl;dr should I get one of the laptops below or a Sager laptop? If so which one? Or should I wait for the 1060M/1070M to hit the market? Thanks!

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