Solved! My Sony vpcea5fg model laptop is on but screen is off

Can you connect the laptop to an eternal display and then tried powering it up? If you have access to the rams, remove them, clean the gold contacts on the rams with an eraser and then try reseating them. If it's two sticks, try with one first. You can also try removing the battery, while the laptop is disconnected from the wall and then press down on the power button. Try reseating the battery and then try powering it up again.
Can you connect the laptop to an eternal display and then tried powering it up? If you have access to the rams, remove them, clean the gold contacts on the rams with an eraser and then try reseating them. If it's two sticks, try with one first. You can also try removing the battery, while the laptop is disconnected from the wall and then press down on the power button. Try reseating the battery and then try powering it up again.