need help please


Dec 29, 2015
I recently gotta new straight talk phone for Christmas and my prior phone was a ZTE concord through metro. I was unable to use the sim card from my old phone. Note is broken I can not charge it so I don't have any access to it any longer that being Saudi had downloaded cm back up on the old phone I lost all my Christmas confirmation numbers I lost all my moneyi made doing surveys I thought by adding existing account I could recover my email from old phone in return the email I used to back up my pictures contact etc is there any way of finding them for my daughter has special needs and i need important number please any input would be so great full thank you. ..Andrea Bisbano
You need to re-word your post, please use complete sentences and explain exactly what the issue is. Yes you can't switch SIM cards from Metro PCS to Straight Talk. Yes if your other phone is broken you can't get anything from it without fixing it. But if your info is saved in your email account, you can restore contacts and some other settings.

Not sure what else you are looking for and what issues you are having, what happens when you setup the new phone using your Gmail account? If that is the account you used on the old phone, all your emails will be there. And even if they don't show up on the phone you can get to them through Gmail on a computer.