Streaming media players usually run android as their main
operating system. Error NW-4-7 is a possibility due to the generic wireless
components in streaming media players. There’s nothing complicated about the
troubleshooting steps, but you do need slight preparation.
Sign Out Of Netflix
This is the quickest way to deal with this particular
Netflix error. You need to have your username and password to accomplish this
fix. Once you sign out, it is not guaranteed that the fields will repopulate
with the saved user/pass information.
1. On the Netflix home screen select settings or the gear

2. Choose to Sign Out. Make sure to select Yes so that it
confirms the selection.

3. Sign back into Netflix and it should now be working!

Restart The Internet
Following this fix will knock off any connected device that
is on the current network. Be wary of this if you have a dual band router,
since it will shut down both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks. Restarting the
internet clears up the connection. A lot of streaming media boxes use generic
wireless components, so this is a great fix for Error NW-4-7 for any version of
Android’s OS.
1. Turn off the device and unplug it from the wall.

2. Unplug the modem and router and wait a full minute.

3. Plug all three devices back in using this order; streaming
media box, modem and then router.

4. Wait for the activity lights to set on the modem and

5. Open the Netflix app and videos should now play normally.