April 18, 2024 - This is a TV series that I would give four out of five stars, (I reserve five stars for classics like Game of thrones, and Lord of the Rings productions). Black Sails in my opinion is the silver standard that so few TV series or even films match. The acting, directing, writing and plot are of the very best. There are some characters that I like more than others, but the actors playing them are top notch. My particular favorite is Toby Schmitz as Jack Rackham, other than that character, my next favorite is Clara Paget as Anne Bonny. The plot over four seasons makes sense and is believable. I also feel that the final episode gives a lot of "closure" that fans will appreciate. I never got tired of the intro scene and music at the beginning of each episode. The music may or may not, (you decide), be as stirring as the Game of Thrones, but the sculptures in ivory(?), are certainly interesting and dramatic. I really liked this series, I'm glad it ended on a high note, and that Netflix is offering it on their service. If there is a demand to resurrect the series, I can only hope that it will be of the same quality of the original series.