Walmart plus was not created to help the customers, it was created to save Walmart money.
1. Scan and Go - it actually takes longer to check out using scan and go. You pickup the item, wake your phone and scan. You have to do this for every single item. It takes twice as long because of having to pull out and wake the phone. Then you have to stand in line at self checkout. If you pre-bag your groceries, half the time, security will break the register so you have to rescan everything because scan and go won't work. It also means if you don't prebag, you have to stand at the register to bag your items. Scanning and bagging at the same time takes just bit longer than just bagging. If you go to a cashier, an experience cashier can get you out of the store faster than scan and go or self checkout.
2. There are signs in the store that says save 10 cents per gallon. First I have yet to see 10 cent savings. Most is a nickel. How is it a savings when you have to pay a membership fee? You never get your money back that way. You are just paying for gas in advance.
3. Savings on shipping. Most will have enough in an order to get free shipping or pickup anyway.
4. Ordering early for plus members. Only helps walmart by spreading out the orders. No real savings for members.
In the end, there really is no reason or convenience to subscribe to walmart plus