Hi there
I got 250 dollars to spend on a electronic shop of my choice (europe),
Travelling a lot I decided to get a tablet.
Now,i am wondering if the Nexus 10 new version is really about to be released or not end 2013.
I would feel very stupid to buy the old model and see a new one coming out few weeks later...
Are any of the rumors true about nexus 10 (2) being presented end 2013?Or just nerd Fantasy?
I don't see another Tablet (Android) with such screen clarity, beside the pricy sony experia Z.I do not like Apple.
I got 250 dollars to spend on a electronic shop of my choice (europe),
Travelling a lot I decided to get a tablet.
Now,i am wondering if the Nexus 10 new version is really about to be released or not end 2013.
I would feel very stupid to buy the old model and see a new one coming out few weeks later...
Are any of the rumors true about nexus 10 (2) being presented end 2013?Or just nerd Fantasy?
I don't see another Tablet (Android) with such screen clarity, beside the pricy sony experia Z.I do not like Apple.