[citation][nom]Aoster87[/nom]At least GM has repaid the government.[/citation]
No they haven't, actually. There is still alot of heat going around about GM and it's "repayment" claims.
But this is a very clear example of just how much better managed a japanese company is compared to a similar american one. I can't recall the source(but I'm sure I can find it if desired) that a Japanese CEO makes 16x the salary of the "typical" worker. American CEO's frequently make over 300x the wages of a typical worker... Americans, in general, are just greedy, power hungry individuals, that want as much as possible, with zero to no effort involved. True, that is basically what everyone should want(the best compensation possible for their time, skills, and effort.. But seriously?), but with our "system" currently running the way it does, it allows for extravagantly outrageous abuse. Just another failure, on the belt, of the US.