Nokia Lumia 920 Firmware Delivers Improved Camera Quality

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Was gonna get a W8 phone but after reading reviews on the lackluster RT tablet I, think I'm going to stick with getting the S3...unfortunately, I REALLY wanted to like the 920. 🙁
[citation][nom]rebel1280[/nom]Was gonna get a W8 phone but after reading reviews on the lackluster RT tablet I, think I'm going to stick with getting the S3...unfortunately, I REALLY wanted to like the 920.[/citation]
What's wrong with the tablet and why does that make you not want to buy the phone? (I'm trying to talk you into it 😉 ) The 920 is an amazing phone, btw (happy owner).
[citation][nom]rebel1280[/nom]Was gonna get a W8 phone but after reading reviews on the lackluster RT tablet I, think I'm going to stick with getting the S3...unfortunately, I REALLY wanted to like the 920.[/citation]
WP8 and W8 RT are not the same OSs.
I'm getting my 920 today to tomorrow and it sounds like they have most of the bugs ironed out now. The new firmware fixes the camera, the wp8 'portico' updated fixes the hangs and adds a few cute features, and the nokia maps, camera, and music updates add some neat features.

Now if only they made a white phone in the soft case instead of the hard gloss shell...
[citation][nom]Matthew94[/nom]WP8 and W8 RT are not the same OSs.[/citation]
well... they share a lot of stuff. The core OS is actually extremely similar, but the interface and the use cases are entirely different.

I know I am stoked to get my WP8 device... but I would not touch a RT tablet with a 10' pole. Not that there is anything inherently 'bad' about the device, it is merely that the RT tablets would not do what I would want them to. Open up development to port desktop apps into the RT environment and then I'll be all over it like a fly on poop, but the modernUI is simply not flexible enough to do what I would want to do with it, and the win8 nonRT products are too expensive right now.

Besides, if the phone does what I hope it will then I shouldn't need a laptop anymore. I'll have my work desktop, my home desktop, and then my phone should be more than adequate to get me between the two. For more mobile users it may not work out so well, but for me it should be about perfect!
[citation][nom]rebel1280[/nom]Was gonna get a W8 phone but after reading reviews on the lackluster RT tablet I, think I'm going to stick with getting the S3...unfortunately, I REALLY wanted to like the 920.[/citation]
I have had a (red) Lumia 920 for a little over a month now. Overall, I love the phone. Great hardware, great UI. The camera take really good close up and night time pictures as far as phone cameras go; better than my point and shoot Nikon. The integration with Skydrive is nice.
One of the features that got me to WP8 was the XBOX music, formerly Zune. I like the music pass and I wanted to take it in my car, office, home whereever and this works well.
My one gripe is that the Bluetooth behavior can be a bit buggy. It always works, but it plays sounds differently sometimes when getting a notification while listening over bluetooth to music or podcast. I understand that the bluetooth is due for an update soon.
The battery life for me has been excellent as well.
The article title should be "Nokia Fixes Flaw" not "Nokia Delivers Improved Quality". This is the difference between journalism and marketing.
[citation][nom]Matthew94[/nom]WP8 and W8 RT are not the same OSs.[/citation]

Technically you are right, but they are both running some version of metro which might be fine for phones and tablets but not PC's...... To the end user it is the same useless interface..... Epic Fail
Just got my dad a 920, great piece of kit. However: Line, Tango, Kakao, Viber, and a few others don't support voice on Winphone 8. When they do I'll probably get one.
I haven't seen these particular issues in my pictures yet. Was this supposed to be a widespread problem affecting all 920's? II bought mine at the end of November. 've only taken a handful of pictures with it but none have had any out of focus or blurred look. I haven't taken any outside in bright sun so I cannot speak on the over exposure issue, but the ones that used a flash don't seem over saturated.
[citation][nom]rebel1280[/nom]Was gonna get a W8 phone but after reading reviews on the lackluster RT tablet I, think I'm going to stick with getting the S3...unfortunately, I REALLY wanted to like the 920.[/citation]Err, so you haven't actually used either? So much for wanting to like it. 😛
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