Not every streaming show needs to be a series — 'Manhunt' on Apple TV Plus proves it

May 20, 2024
Sorry you and the wife were bored and didn't give it a chance but it was a good show. I didn't know the story (although I like history) so I felt it was told in just the right amount of time.
May 21, 2024
What I learned from school: JWB shot Lincoln.
What I learned from this series: too much to list here, but I actually didn't know about Booth escaping, all the help he had, about Lincoln's (theoretical) assassination attempt against Davis, and so much more. Also Patton Oswald was a horrific choice for Lafayette Baker.
While the show wasn't perfect (Oswald, Menzies looked nothing like Stanton, etc) I learned a great deal about Booth and his conspirators that I would not have learned otherwise.
It was a great series.