As much as I like Notch, he seems to have a problem following through on anything. Yes, Minecraft is still be updated and expanded, but its not him thats doing any of the work anymore. Its like he has game development ADHD.
The fact of the matter is that Notch is simply just a standard guy with a big idea. Big ideas are very common, but they are just hard to follow through with; in this situation the only difference is that there is a large community expectancy to see the big ideas come to life.
I like to hope that Notch will take the money he's gained from Minecraft and put it toward building a real studio that can produce some AAA titles. I like Indie games as much as the next guy but I don't want Notch's talent and creativity lost because he's trying to do everything on his own when it comes to new ideas. I want to see him become the next John Carmack and really push new and innovative games, especially as we roll into the next generation of consoles. Cross-platform game production will be easier than it's ever been with PC/XBO/PS4 all running on x86 and it will let developers focus more effort into the actual stories and gameplay.