I have used a variety of mp3 players, and though no consumer electronics device is free of faults and problems, the iPod line has almost always done better for me. At the moment, I'm using an iPhone, and it's serving me incredibly well.
...but I have one question:
How does that define who I am? In what way should that make you look at me in a positive or negative light? I won't even ask the question, because I know a lot of you really are that shallow and stupid. Product loyalty to the point of trashing people who use other products simply on the basis of using them is completely absurd.
You'd figure that in the disinformation age people would have the intelligence to ferret out the crap and pay attention to the wealth of freely available information all around us. That is to say, no, not all people from the States are stupid (many are, many aren't, same as everywhere else), Macs are not god (just a different GUI, in all practical applications), Vista does not suck (same story as XP, it takes a while for stability issues to be worked out in such a wide-reaching OS that takes up almost the entire market, VS Apple's OS that has to be optimized for a very limited set of hardware and software), and iPods are not for fags (they're just well-supported through iTunes and peripherals, and have a great interface -- and isn't that what's important?).
Get over yourselves. I use my iPhone because it works for me, you go ahead and use whatever you like, and I don't think either of us should pay any mind to it.
In this 21st century consumer world, it's all about what product you support, not what your ideals are, and it's your brand choices that make you who you are, not what you're thinking. Way to go, morons.