Odd & Random Laptop Shutoffs


Jan 18, 2011
I have a used HP/ Compaq Presario V6700
The problem is, as in the title, it has random shutdowns.

After this problem happened, I suspected it to be overheating/ not getting any circulation because of a blockage or malfunction around the fan/ heatsink area of the laptop(Even though it didn't seem to have one). I figured out that was a problem, it didn't have an outrageous overload of dust, etc... it was just buildup. So I fixed that, applied some new Arctic Silver 5 I just bought from newegg and I looked around the laptop for any visible damage, which I didn't find any after a brief look around, and I put the laptop back together.

I tried to boot it up again, it booted as it always did, yet it still has the random shutdown problem where it will cutoff under any load to the hardware.

[This is something I have figured out over time.]

If I leave the laptop alone, not charging for about a day or two, and then boot it up it will stay on for about 15 minutes(with OS booted and running), then cut off.
After the first cut off, if I try it again it will stay on for 5 minutes(with OS booted and running), then cut off.
After that it will just cut off during post/ boot screen(instantly) and keep doing it until I wait another 2-3 days.

I've looked at the temps using HWMon and they seem average... And now they are even lower because of my cleaning and application of new thermal grease.

Anyways the exterior power supply is compatible with the machine and doesn't seem to have any issues at all, and the computer isn't damaged at all from stuff like being dropped, or liquid spills, etc... Because they never happened. It just seems like it got old, and went sour.

for all I know its an outdated/ corrupt ACPI, or some odd interval short... I'm not sure though, which is why I ask you professionals. :]

How would I approach fixing this junker?

Hmmm...yes those temps are fine. I would suspect then that it may have something to do with power. Perhaps the AC adapter is on its way out. Is it the original or have you replaced in the past? I assume though that this happens while it is plugged in and the battery is charged though. You can try removing the battery and running it off of the adapter for awhile to see if it still occurs and vice versa with it unplugged. That may narrow the issue down if that is the issue.
Hmmm...yes those temps are fine. I would suspect then that it may have something to do with power. Perhaps the AC adapter is on its way out. Is it the original or have you replaced in the past? I assume though that this happens while it is plugged in and the battery is charged though. You can try removing the battery and running it off of the adapter for awhile to see if it still occurs and vice versa with it unplugged. That may narrow the issue down if that is the issue.


Jan 18, 2011

Im getting like 37-43 C... which is pretty decent/ typical for older HP laptops.

I use HWMonitor

Sorry for the double post... I couldn't find a delete option, and I know this is probably a site like youtube where if you dont subscribe to a thread the person(buwish) wont get the reply...


Jan 18, 2011

Lol took me forever to reply... Anyways, Yeah, I've already tried running the laptop solely off the mobile battery, and discharging it from the system and only using the AC adapter... Both did the same thing/ same issue still. And yes, it is running a functional AC adapter, my brother has an HP that uses that same model charger which I've also tested with... Still I get the same result.

I assume that this is something that I can not fix myself because I know it has to do with something inside the chassis and not something that I would have the knowledge or tools to repair... If I replaced the entire mobo I bet it would work, but I'm just going to trash it since a replacement would run me 120+ and this laptop is running some legacy hardwares that just suck... pretty bad.

Thanks for your time though,