I bought my 50in from Walmart on Thanksgiving last year (2019) for $148, and there is nothing really to complain about. The one nit I can pick is that you cannot just power on and walk away, expecting the TV to resume on the live TV channel it was previously on. This TV requires waiting about five seconds for the set to start, then press OK to actually pick the live TV option for full screen. They probably do this to force a few seconds of an advertisement that fills the right portion of the home screen. The remote is very simple, just up/down to pick channels, which can be quite a long operation with 100 digital channels. The set keeps track of recently viewed channels so scrolling down can get into a short list of recent selections. On the plus side, Amazon Prime implemented sub-accounts since this TV came out, and the Roku software updated seamlessly to include that function. My old Roku devices are not getting the new firmware.