Optical Cable Splitter?


Mar 28, 2013
Hi guys i have the turtle beach PX5 headset and this uses a optical cable to connect to the console im using (Xbox 360) however i use a Playstation 3 as well and i am wondering if i was to connect both my consoles up to a optical splitter and then have 1 opical cable going into the input of the turtle beach router? would i get sound out of both consoles? obviously i will only have one turned on a time.

something like this:
Do you mean two inputs (the Xbox and the PS3) and one headset? That's kind of the opposite of a splitter, which makes two copies of one input. If I understand correctly, you want a switch that will allow you to listen to one or the other source. Different object.

Let me look....

I googled "toslink ab switch" and found one as cheap as seven dollars; no idea if it works: http://www.amazon.com/HDE-Optical-Toslink-Way-Switch/dp/B00104XCWS

Or our old standby Newegg has what looks like the same thing in a different color for three times the price: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA24G0P59036
Do you mean two inputs (the Xbox and the PS3) and one headset? That's kind of the opposite of a splitter, which makes two copies of one input. If I understand correctly, you want a switch that will allow you to listen to one or the other source. Different object.

Let me look....

I googled "toslink ab switch" and found one as cheap as seven dollars; no idea if it works: http://www.amazon.com/HDE-Optical-Toslink-Way-Switch/dp/B00104XCWS

Or our old standby Newegg has what looks like the same thing in a different color for three times the price: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA24G0P59036


Mar 28, 2013

yes that is what i mean, i have 2 inputs, the 360 and the ps3 and then the headset router. i am going to need a switcher. thanks alot, i will try and pick up a switcher and let you know how i get on :)