I recently bough a used laptop.
And I have a problem. In Windows the battery status says 59% plugged in, charging. But it never increeses. Just stays at 59%. I have tried to switch for another working battery and charging cabel with no luck.
When i unplug the charging cabel the pc instantly shuts down. And I cant start it or use it without the cabel.
And when i remove the battery it says: No battery is detected
Any solutions for this?
I recently bough a used laptop.
And I have a problem. In Windows the battery status says 59% plugged in, charging. But it never increeses. Just stays at 59%. I have tried to switch for another working battery and charging cabel with no luck.
When i unplug the charging cabel the pc instantly shuts down. And I cant start it or use it without the cabel.
And when i remove the battery it says: No battery is detected
Any solutions for this?