My Creative SBS A300
makes an audible buzzing sound wen I connect it to my PC's sound card even wen i'm not playin anything and the volume's not even way up.
The buzzing sound doesn't happen wen I plug it in to my cellphone and it was in the same position and/or location wen it buzzed connected to d PC. Another weird thing is that the speakers wud emitt an even louder BUZZ wen I touch the speaker's 3.5mm JACK.
If u look in da internet, u'll notice that I'm not the only one who has this problem and some got unlucky with their problem UNsolved.
I hope sumbody here haz a solution, better yet, sumbody who experienced dis b4
The buzzing sound doesn't happen wen I plug it in to my cellphone and it was in the same position and/or location wen it buzzed connected to d PC. Another weird thing is that the speakers wud emitt an even louder BUZZ wen I touch the speaker's 3.5mm JACK.
If u look in da internet, u'll notice that I'm not the only one who has this problem and some got unlucky with their problem UNsolved.
I hope sumbody here haz a solution, better yet, sumbody who experienced dis b4