I can't really tell from this article what exactly is going on, but it sounds like the DHCP server at Princeton is pretty retarded. Why would you not allow a device that has an IP address to renew the lease, instead of forcing a change? What possible reason would they have for this ridiculous behavior.
If I'm reading this correctly, even if the device is left on for six hours, the DHCP server will make it renew the IP address, and force it to take another. This is bizarre, and idiotic. Apple probably never figured anyone would be so stupid, and I can't imagine why they don't allow it to renew it's lease on the same IP address it had. Maybe there's a good reason, but if there is, why does no one else do it?
Also, a six hour lease? Why? They can create more than enough internal IP addresses that they can lease it for longer. Even when it works, it's extra chatter on the network, and more work for the DHCP servers. Again, why?
Still, Apple should not let something like this happen. If something can happen, they have to plan on it, however idiotic. I'm not clear if it is using it as a static IP once it gets it, or if it just won't change while it's logged on and conncted to the network. It can't be the former, or they'd have tons of problems, so it's got to be the latter.