PS3 to Get 3D Firmware Update in the Summer

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Ultimately, our goal is to provide options to PS3 users so that whatever their entertainment choices are next year or the year after, they’ll have the storage space to accommodate the way they want to use their system.

How about being able to access files larger than 4GB FFS!!!
Nice I guess. Not sure how 3d processing will affect the performance of the system, might actually make some use of the "power of the ps3".

Where is MS's response?
It seems like more of a bragging point than practical. Don't get me wrong, if forced to be classified, I would probably qualify as a PS3 fanboy, but unitl 3D enabled TV's get adopted en masse to the point of standard equipment, this is a boutique item at best.

The fact that LCD/Plasma has been so heavily embraced in only recent years at a fairly high price to consumers, can only delay the point of 3D enabled saturation. Maybe 5 years from now at the earliest, on the PS4, this will be a feature that a lot of gamers will actually be able to use.
WHO CARES. Blurays dont even work properly on my ps3 thanks to the newest firmware..

Focus on bluray then on 3D..if and when anyone cares
I suppose all those PS fans who went for a PS (due to its "advanced processing" and the Blue-Ray) are getting a sweet deal....
[citation][nom]thepetey[/nom]WHO CARES. Blurays dont even work properly on my ps3 thanks to the newest firmware..Focus on bluray then on 3D..if and when anyone cares[/citation]

[citation][nom]kyzar[/nom]How about being able to access files larger than 4GB FFS!!![/citation]
Why Sony descided to use the FAT 32 for it's file system is beyond me. ext3 or ext4 would have been superior.
[citation][nom]kyzar[/nom]How about being able to access files larger than 4GB FFS!!![/citation]

That problem can't be addressed without getting away from FAT32, which is the parition system of the PS3, I believe anyways. However, I have a 500GB notebook HD in my PS3, and Western Digital has a 1TB notebook drive, and there are FAT32 formatting tools out there that allow at least 1TB FAT32 partitioning, so you could install a standard 1TB notebook drive and it should work fine, and cheaper than the add-in modular PS3 specific ones, with enclosures, that would be marketed for the PS3.
[citation][nom]kyzar[/nom]How about being able to access files larger than 4GB FFS!!![/citation]

4GB limit is FAT32, not PS3! I have several 40-50GB files on my PS3. I just transfer files over my network instead of an external hdd. Problem solved.
[citation][nom]kyzar[/nom]How about being able to access files larger than 4GB FFS!!![/citation]
I agree, I use my xbox and ps3 to stream hi-def movies from my pc to my living room. Most of the files are larger than 4GB and I have to use program to break them down usually in like 2-3 pieces.
Tversity transcodes any size of file for perfect quality streaming over my network. My PS3 60gb SSD is reserved for game installs, heh.
[citation][nom]RADIO_ACTIVE[/nom]I agree, I use my xbox and ps3 to stream hi-def movies from my pc to my living room. Most of the files are larger than 4GB and I have to use program to break them down usually in like 2-3 pieces.[/citation]

Allowing file sizes larger than 4GB would allow those of us who like to watch movies on our PS3 to do so without having to transcode on the fly. It would also be nice if Sony supported more codecs without the need to transcode.


The Source is my ps3, I recently bought inglorious bastards on bluray and tried it on 3 different ps3s, when that didnt work. I returned it to bestbuy for an exchange and they gave me a brand new one, tried it on the same 3 ps3s (2 are 40 gigs and 1 is a 60 gig al l with the newest firmware on it)... still no luck.

So i went home on the weekend and put it into my dad's regular bluray player and it worked just fine. So i went back to bestbuy and told the customer service that it doesnt work in 3 ps3s that I tried.

The lady admited that ps3s are having problems reading certain blurays depending on the what studio released them and such... I asked for a refund and did not recieve it. I didnt mean to sound like an idiot, but I have had 5-6 blurays that dont work on my ps3, or that load then freeze.

If you know a solution, I would love to hear it!
[citation][nom]kenwheeler77[/nom]Allowing file sizes larger than 4GB would allow those of us who like to watch movies on our PS3 to do so without having to transcode on the fly. It would also be nice if Sony supported more codecs without the need to transcode.[/citation]

You can have files larger than 4GB reside on the ps3. You just can't transfer them to the PS3 with an external hdd. Just navigate to a file like you do when streaming, then just hit triangle and select copy. It will copy the data to the PS3's hdd. It is not limited to 4GB. It will have to be a ps3 compatibable codec though. I do wish Sony would allow more codecs, but it has gotten better over the years.
3D stuff is kinda stupid gimmik only, as its worthless to have except for a few limited moments of entertainment maybe occasional 3D game or something, but as an over all experience using a system the 3D stuff is a waste.

3D stuff doesnt look good if your lying down on sofa watching a blue ray. Not going to watch a movie lying on my sofa while wearing uncomfortable 3D glasses, just to take a nap, or relax from a work day.

3D stuff your forced to sit up straight center of screen view, and even then its horribbly blurry.

Anyone whom thinks this 3D junk is worth anything try Nvidia's 3D system they sell currently with the 120hz monitors and use em 24/7. Then you will see how not to waste your money.

Sure a couple 3D games may be fun, but unless that is your entire life, which most poeple its not, they do more then 1 thing with their TV's. Most will opt out to NOT wear those lame glasses all day long if thier TV is on.
[citation][nom]trooth[/nom]Nice I guess. Not sure how 3d processing will affect the performance of the system, might actually make some use of the "power of the ps3".Where is MS's response?[/citation]
They have to copy the technology first...and than call it their own...
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