PS5 and Xbox Series X backwards compatibility is going to let us all down

Apr 13, 2020
This should probably be titled PS5 will let us down. We know exactly what Xbox has been doing. I will be able to plug my external hard drive into the Series X with all my XBONE games and be able to play them day one. Can Sony say that for PS4 games? No they cannot. So perhaps Series X will let you down if you have zero understanding of the program prior otherwise I just don't see it. For obvious reasons the OG Xbox and 360 need to have emulation due to architecture, but XBONE nope.


Dec 15, 2016
This should probably be titled PS5 will let us down. We know exactly what Xbox has been doing. I will be able to plug my external hard drive into the Series X with all my XBONE games and be able to play them day one. Can Sony say that for PS4 games? No they cannot. So perhaps Series X will let you down if you have zero understanding of the program prior otherwise I just don't see it. For obvious reasons the OG Xbox and 360 need to have emulation due to architecture, but XBONE nope.

Yeah Microsoft has been pretty upfront for years at this point. The series x will play ALL Xbox one games and work with all peripherals except probably the kinect. They are also working on 360 and original Xbox back compat that we already know works so really they just need to keep adding titles.

Sony on the other hand somehow can't manage 100% back compat with PS4 despite it being an x86 platform. They literally said out of the top 100 PS4 games being played right now a majority of most...will work. They certainly didn't say all. They didn't even hint it would ever be all.

They generally pull out psnow whenever someone asks about back compat. So we can pay to play inferior streamed versions of games with some added latency to add to all the fun.

Meanwhile Microsoft shows off a version of Gears 5 that is running at 4k60 and above ultra settings on PC and it's running through backwards compatibility, it's not a port and it only took 2 weeks to do. They also said they can upscale games, add HDR, and probably boost frame rates even if they aren't running unlocked.

So uh... Nice article of mostly FUD


Apr 14, 2020
This is such cherry picking.

Out of 13 consoles by the 3 main players that could have had BC,

Only 3 had full backwards compatibility (PS2, Wii, and Wii U).

The point is, it never was 'alive' to now be dead. It's always been a bonus, and I'm glad for it, and game preservation is important, but let's not get all dramatic about the loss of something that barely ever existed.