""...cutting down on traffic...." More cars = less traffic? "
Counter intuitive yes. This first step will likely not cut down on traffic at all. However, if the road is full of self driving cars, you can fit quite a few more of them on the same roads and not have traffic. If all cars follow the same rules exactly, you can safely pack them tighter, and have them travel faster safely.
Its the all follow the same rules exactly thing. Which humans do NOT due. Sure we have a set of rules, but as a collective we break them all the time, and dont apply them in the same manner all the time. This causes accidents, it causes traffic.
That said, my word is this car ugly as dog crap, no thanks! These idiots are shooting themselves in the foot. You need to make cars that look the same as everyone else. They need to blend in. Once you get the thing up and running you can try the wierd looking stuff, and let it succeeede/fail on that merit without taking your entire platform down because you wanted to be cutesie/different.