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On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 11:08:23 GMT, John in Detroit
<> wrote:
>bep wrote:
>> What transfer speed is needed to spool via DVArchive from PC back to
>> the Replay unit.
>> I am currently using a wireless connection on the PC. The video on the
>> Replay when being sent from the PC is not smooth. Transfer speed from
>> the computer appears to be in the range 31KB/s - 45KB/s. Are there
>> setting that I can use to increase this or do I need to get a wired
>> connection established for the PC
>The speed varies depending on quality, I think Standard is around
>300Kbps Hook up a wire.
It's approximately 300KB/s (which is equal to 2.4Mb/s). Don't confuse
bits (as in Kb/s) and bytes (as in KB/s). Network connections are
usually measured in bits per second (b/s) and computers (including
Replay) use bytes per second (B/s).
Wireless (802.11b) claims "up to" (notice those little
meaning-destroying words) 11Mb/s (that would be 1.4MB/s). Actual speed
will be much lower.
>I'm ordering a Damon motor home (37 Foot job) I asked if they could
>string a single cat-5 from front video to back video (How else am I
>gonna hook-em up) they said "Can't do it"
Ethernet is supposed to work with 100-meter cables. That's about 325
>I'll bet they do
Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx
"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."