Rumors Run Riot About Steve Job's Health

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Mar 14, 2006
If you look at the history of Apple it is easy to conclude that Steve Jobs was a major if not single handed influence in building Apple into the company it is today. When Steve Jobs was at the helm Apple produced and people listened to him on the outside and he dominated and controlled from within. If you read stories about how he runs the company it is clear why Apple has such precise focus. I believe that once he leaves that focus will slowly wander into a company that just doesn't seem that important. I know nothing of Phil Schiller but when I watch a keynote I tend to fast forward through his stuff to get back to what Jobs has to say...and it isn't because he is a good presenter. Steve Jobs is Apple. He is synonymous with the name and the little logo on the box. Apple is a culture. Apple is brilliant marketing. You would have better luck putting Mac and PC on stage to do presentation than Phil Schiller (no disrespect to the guy). I am sure he is smart and all but it simply comes down to public perception and what they know. I use both Mac and PC and I can say that I pay close attention to any media release that Apple throws out at any event...another reason why they don't need MacWorld. Apple is big enough to control the media in their own right. But...with Steve Jobs gone I have a feeling that the allure of waiting to see what his replacement has in store on the huge trademark presentation screen behind him will be gone. Too bad Phil can't at least change his name to Steve. It might help him out a bit. But Phil as the new Steve? I doubt it. Not in presentations. Not internally. I just don't buy it.


May 29, 2008
I think Jobs' first departure showed that Apple is NOT capable of surviving without him. It would be nice to think that the company has grown in that time, and changed its ways, but its hasn't. A simple look at their product line and business practices shows its still the same exact Apple it always has been. The only difference is that they now make the iPod. The only reason Apple's computers are still on the market is because Jobs' brought his NeXTSTEP OS with him when he rejoined the company (OSX IS NeXTSTEP).

Regardless of any actual impact Jobs has on the inner workings of Apple, the public face of the company cannot survive with him. If Jobs suddenly departed Apple, the drop in stock price would cripple the company to a point they could never recover from. Apple would quickly realize that without a charasmatic leader, people are going to be less willing to pay the Apple cool-tax. I don't think Bill Gates or Steve Blamer have ever convinced someone to install Windows just by wearing a turtle-neck sweater and holding up a retail box.


Sep 16, 2008
It would be hilarious to hear that he died on the toilet after a long night with diarrhea he got after eating Taco Bell. Taco Bell would go under from a large Law suite from Apple, which would end in Apple owning Taco Bell. Apple would then be able to offend all of your senses and orifices, cornering the market on full body torture.


Sep 16, 2008
Wow, didn't know becoming a butt hurt Mactard forfeited your sense of humor.

That said, I certainly hope OSX continues to sell well, keep Microsoft on their toes. And maybe if we're lucky, they'll make a product that doesn't suck. Something that makes sales on more than some retarded sense of elitism and the need for oversimplified computing.


Oct 13, 2006
[citation][nom]Tindytim[/nom]Taco Bell would go under from a large Law suite from Apple, which would end in Apple owning Taco Bell.[/citation]

Pepsi owns Taco Bell.

Pepsi 84.38B > Apple 79.26B


Oct 3, 2006
I wouldn't care who apple's boss is, the company is the same. Their illfated political choices were the same before he took the wheel, so I don't think anything hugely exciting would change.


No it is not a heavily debated topic in the tech industry, nobody cares! Hes just another CEO so stop acting like he is some god, his company is pathetic and hes just another guy. nobody cares!


Aug 20, 2007
Apple will survive as a company without Jobs. Much like Bill Gates and Microsoft, there are plenty of talented business leaders at Apple to keep their products going. Apple's R&D is one of the best in the technology market, incorporating design from the beginning of the product cycle, not just pasting something "pretty" over a clunky code base, like how Vista is set up. I think it will be a rough patch for a few months at Apple if Jobs dies, but I think they will recover.


Jan 21, 2008
The health of the CEO is nobody’s business but his own.

Whoops... no. The health of a major CEO is certainly business to many, not to just the person in question. The fact that shares fell due to (perhaps incorrect) concerns about his poor health quite clearly indicates that his health is business (literally) to a great many people, mostly probably investors.


Mar 28, 2008
[citation][nom]wtfover[/nom]No it is not a heavily debated topic in the tech industry, nobody cares! Hes just another CEO so stop acting like he is some god, his company is pathetic and hes just another guy. nobody cares![/citation]

you sir are moronic. yeah... nobody cares about apple and his company is pathetic, that's why they just rule the online music business, and growing every year. ask apple's competitors if they "care" about apple. retard.
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