Sager NP8660


Feb 5, 2006
Alright so I think I'm going to go with the NP8660. It's a 15" and i configured it very nicely for about 2300...little more. Anyways, last question is, what is the average battery life with a Sager, suppose I'm just doing AIM and Microsoft Word.
I can't find what the battery size is anywhere on the Sager site, but assuming it's a 9 cell (what I would expect for those components), I would guess around 2:30.
I'd say it's a decent decision. I'd get it for that price. Also, my estimate is intentionally conservative - if you crank all of the settings down to the minimum, you could probably get more life than that.

Off the top of my head, I can't really think of anything better in the price range for what you want. As I said, I would buy it.
oh okay. thanks very much guys. seeing as im getting this computer, any good computer games to reccommend? ill be getting starcraft 2 when it comes out i think. thanks again guys
If you want to test the GPU, get Crysis. I actually went out and bought it in June, started it and then never finished it. I wasn't too big a fan of the story line though. Call of Duty 4 would also be at the top of my list of games to get. I own it and love it, wasn't so big on it at first, but it has really grown on me.
i have call of duty 4 for xbox. i was taking a look at the dell vostro today, the new one. the 2510 i think. it looks pretty nice, its cheaper too. would the GPU hold up with gaming? i think its a 256mb geforce 8400GS (maybe 8600) not sure. would that be a good choice?
8400 = pretty bad, though better than integrated
8600 = decent, can play most games, but don't expect to crank the settings.

Neither will come close to the Sager though - I'd just get that and not look back.